Rose-Nadler-MTA Toll Scheme Snuck Into the $1.4 Trillion Spending Bill
Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said, “Max Rose has done a disservice to our community by sneaking his and Jerry Nadler’s two-way tolling scheme into the $1.4 trillion spending bill. Nadler supports it because it would reduce congestion in his lower Manhattan district. The MTA supports it because it would provide $12 million in additional revenue the agency can misspend.
“What is the benefit for Staten Island and Southern Brooklyn? Nothing!
“According to the MTA’s own study, It will add 4,000 more vehicles during our evening commute, increase vehicle speeds in the morning by no more than 0.1 MPH and the additional $12 million surplus won’t be used to lower the tolls for local residents.
“Ensuring that the extra revenue is used to lower the cost to constituents who suffer under these excessive tolls and heavy traffic is the very least Congressman Max Rose should have done.”