Sign the Petition
Don’t let Bill de Blasio defund our local police precincts. Sign the petition to keep our neighborhoods safe.
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Support to the NYPD
New York City has descended into chaos. The number of shootings and other violent crimes has soared and people are fleeing the city at a previously unimaginable rate.
The failed, pro-criminal policies of Bill de Blasio are directly responsible for the surging crime rate. De Blasio and other liberal, anti-law enforcement politicians in City Hall and Albany ended cash bail for people changed with dozens of serious crimes, like criminally negligent homicide, stalking and strangulation, aggravated assault on a child under 11 and grand larceny in the first degree. Now, these criminals are being released back into our neighborhoods just hours after being arrested.
They’re closing Rikers Island and have released thousands of convicted criminals from prison in a matter of months. And then they cut $1 Billion from the NYPD’s budget—taking thousands of New York’s Finest off our streets.
Congressman Max Rose supported de Blasio’s plan to close Rikers and end cash bail for dangerous criminals. Rose also joined the Defund the Police crowed as they called for the NYPD to be dismantled.
With our city under siege, we must act. Please sign my petition calling for an end to the de Blasio-Rose criminal justice policies that are responsible for this crime wave and made our neighborhoods less safe.