874 / 2000 Supporters

We Must Act!

Add Your Name to Our Call to Stop the Biden Open Borders Plan.

The Biden Plan would give amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants and provide them with the ability to become American citizens—even though they broke our laws when they came here illegally.

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The Biden Open Borders Plan Needs to be Stopped.

Even if Joe Biden refuses to use the word crisis, that is what’s occurring at our southern border.  Because of Biden’s amnesty and citizenship plan, tens of thousands of migrants from Central America are streaming toward our border.  They are overrunning our Border Patrol and causing both a security and a humanitarian crisis.

Since Biden rolled back President Trump’s effective policies, illegal immigration has reached record levels.  In February, over 100,000 migrants attempted to enter the U.S., which is more than three times the amount for February 2020 and the highest monthly number in five years.

We must act!  Add your name to our call to stop the Biden Open Borders Plan.


Malliotakis says Biden can & should fix the disorder at the border today
Rep. Malliotakis tells FNTV that Biden has given control of Southern Border to Cartels