Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said, “As Mayor Bill de Blasio enters the Democrat’s race for President, I wish him luck; he’ll need it. On the campaign trail in Iowa, I hope he’ll be truthful and tell the voters of the Hawkeye State that New York City has a homeless population equal to that of Iowa City and no solution in sight. When he visits South Carolina, I hope he’ll discuss the slum like conditions that over 400,000 people living in New York City Housing Authority buildings call home. When he visits New Hampshire, where the state motto is ‘live free or die’ I hope Mayor de Blasio will touch on the red tape and over-regulation he’s created in New York City, not to mention, the high taxes that are driving businesses and people to low tax cities and states. I hope Democrat voters will visit New York City, ride our failing subways, visit our failing schools and ask our vanishing middle class about the real record of Bill de Blasio as mayor; the effect will be chilling.”