While local libraries are physically closed, New York Public Library reminds us that you can still access a wide range of books online.
- Download the SimplyE app to get started
- Browse 300,000+ e-books, from bestsellers to classics
- Read instantly—anywhere, anytime
Here are some additional resources our libraries continue to offer:
- For Job Seekers: NYPL’s Science, Industry, and Business Library (SIBL) continues to provide career services
- For Small Business (Employers, Entrepreneurs, Employees, Business Owners): COVID-19-specific information and resources
- For Communities: NYPL’s community resource page covers Wellness, Housing, and Food Security, among other community needs
- For Families: NYPL is collaborating to bring resources to students of all ages including:
- For All: While we continue social distancing, you can still complete the Census in three ways:
- Online at My2020census.gov
- By phone (844) 330-2020
- Paper form