We Must Act!

Add Your Name to Our Call to Stop Critical Race Theory from being taught in our schools.

It’s Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the radicals on the New York City Council who want to infect our classrooms with political indoctrination, instead of real education.

When it comes to the debate over Critical Race Theory in our schools, the NY Post’s editorial board hit the nail on the head.

They said if you teach our children that capitalism, the police and the founding of our nation are based on racism, “that generation will want socialism and to defund the police and reject every symbol of the nation, from the flag on down.”

We can’t allow that to happen.

I believe in the power of education. A good education has the power to lift students up, just as a politically motivated curriculum will ensure our children have no future and push them toward socialism. As your voice in Congress, I will stand up to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the radicals on the New York City Council who want to infect our classrooms with political indoctrination, instead of real education.

We must act!  Add your name to our call to protect our children’s education.