Max Rose lied. As a candidate, he said corporations could "keep your damn money" but then he took thousands in Corporate PAC money funneled through Washington committees so you wouldn’t know about it. It’s just more Max Rose double-talk.
"Some of the corporate PAC-rejecting Democrats, including Max Rose, also took contributions from the Blue Dog PAC…The Blue Dog PAC also takes contributions from PACs connected to U.S. corporations. "
The Hypocrisy
As a candidate, Max Rose said special interests could “keep their damn money.” The truth is he lied and did take corporate money through the backdoor by using a DC political action committee.
The headline of a recent article about a $100,000 contribution that Rose received from a wealth NYC developer screamed “Real estate and Wall Street bolster embattled Staten Island congressman.”
So much for Max’s pledge to avoid corporate money.
Hold Max accountable. Donate to Nicole Now!